
Sunday, November 18, 2012


I'm becoming quite forgetful of things. Can't tell whether it is a good thing or not. For one, it's very disruptive in terms of productivity because well... I dont remember what i need to do. I think this all started half way through year 12 when i realised how worthless some thoughts are... And i guess i just learnt to ignore and discard it. I suppose it really helped me focus on school and work. Some might say it's a blessing to forget, to forget the pain and sorrow that holds you down and finally march forward, head held high, not pondering on the past because .. Well you dont remember it. I remember ( ironically ? Haha)) reading a few things on the brain's defence mechanism against unwanted emotions. Take homework for example.. The counter to that is procrastination. It's easier to postpone then face it so that's what our mind choose to do. I wonder if sometimes my mind just choose to forget because its easier than to remember a past not worth holding on to. Somethings have been buried so deep down, I guess I lost track of where it went... Or perhaps it just decayed and I'm looking for something that no longer exist. Probably why I grow fond of photos... Fractures of the happy days that ive sadly forgotten.

My mind's floating amongst the clouds. You have the rains and the storms. But after every storm the sun shines more brightly ...... And showers you with its warmth and comfort. Then comes the drifting and yearning ... To go higher.. To fly higher ... To have hopes and to dream big.... But ... Stray to far into space ... The pressure of it all becomes unbearable and.. Suffocating...nothing to do then to fall.. And let gravity pull us back to where we belong.. Entrenched on earth.. Reality where we dont have wings but two legs to walk and run... To chase a future or be chased by a past... What really is out there ... Ahead or above us...

Haha forgot what I'm ranting about

'And now, it's time to leave and turn into dust' - Cinematic orchestra

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