
Tuesday, August 26, 2014


ice bucket challenge.. you know what irks me the most from it... people who comment "what a waste of water" or post anything or say anything similar. And it just makes me think that they are just some pretentious snob who thinks they are fucking better than everyone because they believe a pouring bucket over their head is stupid and a waste.

Then they've missed the point. It whole purpose was to raise awareness which reaps in the money. Now, millions of people are familiar with the Letters'll be so popular that the next Miss Universe will replace the phrase "World Peace" with "Cure for ALS!!!". WOO YEAG THE WORLD JUST GOT DUMBER AND HAPPIER ....and I bet half these people sneering at the ice bucket challenge didn't even donate.

WELL WAKE UP PEOPLE...This whole world is based on profit! There is no moral absolution. If you're so picky about a waste bucket of water, why won't you fill your own bucket and run and give it to someone who needs it then! BUT OH YOU WON"T DO THAT? boo fucking surprise!

UGH. what the fuck am i ranting about

Libido: Still high
Status: Still Single
Hate for Humanity: CAPSLOCK ON

Anyways Uni is less stressful this semester (ignoring this very moment) since there's less home assigment and more weekly quizzes and tests instead. So I basically promised myself that I'd properly study for them and keep up with notes (which I am currently in the midst of so i'm pretty happy with myself). Anatomy is great but a bore at times, Finance is new and interesting but too new I don't know anything, Marketing is just Stupid, Accounting is alright because the workload is do-able but rumors say that the finals will slaughter your balls off and eat them for breakfast with buttered toast and scrambled eggs.

Anyways I miss my friends because I realised there's this one thing that they don't make me do, that I tend to do with strangers which is AMOUNT OF FUCKS GIVEN LIKE WHOLLY SHIT MY SYMPATHY IS RESERVED FOR THE PRIVILADGE SO STFU ABOUT YOUR LIFE STORY!...

"I may look like an angel but I'm sure the hell ain't"

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