
Thursday, November 20, 2014

Twenty fourteen

A forgetful year, a forgiving year

After a year of doing science courses, I knew that I would eventually have to face the wrath of commerce. I was very afraid of how it might turn out. I constantly kept asking myself;
What's commerce? What's it like? What's at the end of a commerce degree? But the question that held most value was "Can I do it?"

Investment banking, accounting, corporate financial analysis, what does this all mean? I sat and ponder a few possible synonyms; money, boring, grey suits. I was afraid that somewhere down the line, I'd 'lose myself'. How does one lose themselves? Who am I to believe that some part of me would be less in a world I've never experienced. 

But I am a young adult, afraid and lonely. Still driven by hormones and an untainted imagination. I wouldnt know whats best for me. Am i suppose to? 

The first time i tried the commerce course back in semester one 2013, it took only a week for me to panic and switch to my science courses. I panicked and became so fearful of what i might've gotten myself into. The unfamiliar jargon made me flee like a pigeon from a child in a park. But this was not a park.
It was a passageway to a dark abyss, where you're continually blinded my the golden sparkles of money ... And they've never shined brightly in my life.

A warm heart and a cheeky smile, the things that use to really enlightened me. Now, somehow replaced with a huge wallet in his pock---- no wait, thats not a wallet..

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