
Tuesday, June 21, 2011


Well Eric joined in the class and group snugly befriending Donovan, the last of my 'friend' friend, which means I guess I had to start opening up a little. Also as my relationship with Eric developed... I thought he was gay. Why? Well, he certainly knew a lot about gay anal sex and about the penis. The amount of information he knew about sex overall astonished me. Actually I just pretended to not know all the things he was saying when actually I already knew. Just didn't want to show my true colours.

Eventually it was the day we get to vote for our SRC for our grade. Wilson Huynh was the only boy. But anyway, for our class the nominees were - Lyanna Ros and Catrina Tan. I don't remember their speeches exactly BUT apparently this was my first encounter with Catrina.
So when we casted our votes on the papers and left for class (maths) Apparently I said to Catrina-
Yes, you're probably thinking "wow Huynh was an asshole". Honestly, I'm not gonna defend myself. I did remember saying something mean to Catrina as she left the room. But I remembered it bit differently.
I remember feeling as the bell rang "I should say goodluck to Catrina". So I stood and waited at the door. I THINK Catrina pushed me aside to get out and I think I was angry that she didn't apologise. So I said. "Glad I voted for Lyanna. Not you."
But then Me and Catrina has always been confused of how we resolved this issue, ESPECIALLY as it was our first impressions and encounter of each other. At this stage, she was my first enemy.

So obviously ,from above, that I voted for lyanna and I was pretty bummed that she didn't win. ... why?
The following maths lesson I had the urge to tell Lyanna that I voted for her. This is how it went:
Me: "I voted for you!"
Lyanna: "Thank you"
Me: "Yeah because I could spell your name!"
Lyanna: (laughs) "You know, you could've just ticked the names on the left you know."
Me: "OH WHAT? there was?"
Lyanna: "yeah" (laughs)

Yeah. I was playing dumb by the way. Of course I knew you had to tick the boxes. I don't know why I had such an urge to say that to her. I wanted to make her laugh.
I wanted her attention.

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